It is a difficult point to teach the students solving the wave equation on finite interval by the reflection law of the wave. 用波的反射原理求解有限区间上的波动方程是数学物理方程中的基本内容,也是教学中的难点内容。
In this paper, we present the computational methods of periodic orthogonal spline wavelets, which can be used to process the problems on the finite interval. 给出了周期正交样条小波的计算方法.用这种周期正交样条小波可方便地处理有限区间上的问题。
A Hilbert-type Integral Inequality on the Finite Interval 一个有限区间的Hilbert型积分不等式
A rational function is continuous on any finite interval where the denominator is bounded away from zero. 有理函数在任何有限区间上都是连续的,其中分母远离零值。
Stability in finite interval time slicking 有限时间区间稳定性
The following results are obtained: The distribution of the incremental N ( t) N ( t 0) in poisson process on a finite interval and the incremental of N ( t) on a finite interval are stationary. 得出如下结论:有限区间上泊松过程增量N(t)-N(t0)的分布及N(t)在有限区间〔a,b〕上的增量是平稳的。
An indirect iterative learning control scheme for a general nonlinear system to track a trajectory with a finite time interval is presented, which uses the least square algorithm to identify the linearized model of the nonlinear system in terms of previous experiences of repetitive tracking. 针对相当广泛的一类非线性系统有限时间轨迹跟踪问题,提出了间接迭代学习方案.采用最小二乘算法,根据重复跟踪历史辨识非线性系统的线性化模型。
The linearized equations for the three dimensional disturbances are derived at first, and then the stability problems are discussed with the theory of stability of motion over a finite interval of time. 首先导出了具有三个方向扰动的线性化扰动方程,再运用有限时间稳定性理论来判别运动的稳定性。
Using the expansion of walsh series we give a new method of how to solve the singular optimal control in finite interval. 利用Walsh级数的分析特性讨论了有限区间上奇异LQ问题的解法。
By using algebraic Bethe ansatz method, it has been shown that the monodromy matrix satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation on both a finite interval and an infinite interval. So the integrability of this model is proved. 利用代数Betheansatz方法,找到了此模型的量子monodromy矩阵所满足的量子YangBaxter方程,并证明了其可积性。
They avoid computation of the initial optimal smoothing estimates and can rapidly eliminate the effects of the initial smoothing estimates by assigning the poles of the smoothers, so that they have a practical stability in the finite fixed interval. A simulation example shows their effectiveness. 它们避免了计算最优平滑初值,且通过配置平滑器的极点,可快速消除初始平滑估值的影响,因而它们具有在有限固定区间上的实用稳定性,仿真例子说明了它们的有效性。
Spline wavelets of higher order on a finite interval with arbitrary-order vanishing moments 有限区间上具有高阶消失矩的四阶样条小波
The Properties and Application of Function ( k) Mapping Image on Finite Interval 有限区间上函数k集压缩映象的两个性质及其应用
In this paper, we obtain that the equality of random variables distributing on finite interval is equivalent to the equality of its original moment. 本文证得分布于有限区间上的随机变量相等的充要条件为其各阶原点矩相等。
Conditions of Term by Term Integration Sequence of Integrable functions on Finite Interval 有限区间上广义可积函数列逐项积分的条件
In Q> M cases, if the naked singularity can be formed, one can see the infinite redshift and vanishing intensity after a finite time interval. 在Q>M的情形下,若坍缩形成奇点,在光学上将可看到有限时间内发生的无限红移和光强的消失。
A new iterative learning control ( ILC) updating law is proposed for the tracking control of continuous linear system over a finite time interval. 提出了一个新的迭代学习控制(ILC)更新律用于连续线性系统的有限时间区间跟踪控制。
Asymptotic Expansions for Interpolation Spline on the Finite Interval 有限区间上样条插值的渐近展开
The smoother has a practical stability in finite interval, i.e. when all eigenvalues of Kalman filter for original system are far from the unit circle, to arbitrary initial values of smoother, the smoother can quickly eliminate their effects to have the quick convergence. 该平滑器具有一种在有限区间上的实用稳定性,即当原系统Kalman滤波器的所有特征值远离单位圆周时,对任意选取的平滑初值该平滑器能快速消除其影响而具有快速收敛性。
Simple hyperbolic spline on a finite interval 在有限区间上的简单双曲样条
Abstract In this paper, the frequency characteristics curve defined in finite interval has been used instead of Popov frequency characteristics curve. Popov frequency criterion is improved and simplified. 本文用自变量取值范围为有限区间的频率特性曲线来代替原来的Popov频率特性曲线,从而改进和简化了Popov频率判据。
A new model of stationary poisson process and characteristic of N ( t) on a finite interval is provided. 提出另一类新的模型&有限区间〔a,b〕上的平稳泊松过程及N(t)的特性。
On one-sided approximation operators in a finite interval 有限区间上的单边逼近算子
A sufficient condition to ensure the robust convergence of the ILC process in the finite time interval was obtained by analyzing the plant uncertainty's effects on feedback and feedforward control. 通过分析系统不确定性对反馈闭环控制和前馈学习控制的影响,给出了保证迭代学习控制在有限时间段上鲁棒收敛的充分条件。
Dirac Eigenvalue Problem in a Finite Interval 常型Dirac特征值问题
But the ordinary study for the stability is concentrating on the asymptotic mean squire stable, which studies the characters of the infinite time interval of the system. However, in practice, people are sometimes concerning with the characters of a finite time interval for the system. 但是,以往人们对随机系统稳定性的研究主要集中在系统的渐近稳定上,其研究的是无穷时段的性质。
This thesis is devoted to the consideration and study of martingale space and inequality theory in the background of a rearrangement invariant function space on finite interval. 本文系统地考虑和研究了有限区间上重排不变函数空间框架下的鞅不等式和鞅空间。
Finite-time stability, which focuses on the transient behavior over a finite interval, is different from the stability under Lyapunov meaning. 系统的有限时间稳定性研究的是系统在某段时间上的暂态性能,与李亚普诺夫渐近稳定是两个不同的概念。
Different with Merton and Kou model. in this model the jump amplitude is limited to a finite interval. rather than the entire real axis. 与Merton和Kou模型不同的是,本文的跳跃-扩散模型中将跳跃幅度限制在有限区间,而不是整个实数轴。